星期六, 2月 23, 2008

!! Shock !!

最近受到很多的刺激,星期五老外來 Demo,整個會議室都用英文在溝通,唯獨我一句話也沒說,心理真是難受呀,明明就簡單的一句話說不出口真難過,學了N年還是不會講,星期六又上一了一堂英文課,Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems 當成了英文課在學習。

It's my first time ( The matual conference in English 2008/02/23 ) !!
Write down the date to prevent forget it.

I have change my blog to English interface to show my determine right now.
Even my English is so poor! That's the first step and I'll try to do my best from now !!
