星期一, 3月 31, 2008
計算機組織與硬體概論 III
Date: 2008/03/28 (Friday)
HomePage: EITC of CYCU
Professor : 朱守禮
Course Description: 計算機組織與硬體概論 III
當天戰鬥力: 60%
吸收度: 60%
今天去拍戶外的照片, 富田農場, @@整個場子都是新人, 一車進去要500 , 可以換四杯飲料,
拍的普通, 大家都差不多.
晚上的課, 跟之前差不多, 都是介紹 SOC design 的流程跟tool , 相當於週三(Verification) + 週四(Soc Design)的簡介, 不過真的是簡 介...
還沒到期中, 就開始懶散了 ~~
Lab2 Basic Code Development
Date: 2008/03/27 (Thursday)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: Lab2 Basic Code Development
當天戰鬥力: 60%
吸收度: 60%
今天講解上星期做的Homework所會用的ADS AXD 的功能, @@大致上做Homework 以經用了, 不然Homework無法Debug, 這個應該先教, 自己摸了好一下.
星期三, 3月 26, 2008
Date: 2008/03/26 (Wen)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: Subroutines
當天戰鬥力: 60%
吸收度: 60%
Recursion 的問題:
- unbound argument.
- stack maintain difficult.
Task vs Function
- Tasks can't return value
- Function can return value.
- task do_this( input int data=0, addr=0, ctrl=2 ), default arguments :
- for example: do_this(5,2 ) 、do_this( ,,0), do_this( .data(5), .addr(2) );
- const ref let argument Readonly.
- automaic 函式結束記憶體隨即釋放, 節省記憶體使用.
- void 表不回傳值, 省空間only.
- static 用法同C.
- ref ( call by reference ) 有點不相同, 不過更簡單, **問題已經幫你處理好了.
星期一, 3月 24, 2008
Date: 2008/03/22 (Sat)
HomePage: Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems
Professor : Professor Yao-Jen Chang, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Taiwan
Course Description:停課
當天戰鬥力: 100%
吸收度: 0%
Experience: 爽
雖然很爽....但感覺跟我沒太大的直接關系 -.- 功課還是要做, 班還是要上, 學費還是要繳...沒甚麼不同, 也沒一樣能打折, 薪水有加? Paper少一半??? 並沒有.....不要太投入的好.
功課都沒做 @@ ...積壓了好多作業呀..天呀...先看完這次的Paper吧.
這學期壓力太大了...比上學期更大了, 一星期六堂每天上之外, 每篇Paper都英文, 又有好幾個Lab在做. 想研究的東西還沒空弄, 先擱著.
計算機組織與硬體概論 II
Date: 2008/03/21 (Friday)
HomePage: EITC of CYCU
Professor : 朱守禮
Course Description: 計算機組織與硬體概論 II
當天戰鬥力: 90%
吸收度: 60%
今天上的還是跟計組一樣, 只是延續上一次的課. 講解了IPHONE 的構造.
1.目前碩專學長 H264的Project 被 Cancel , 取而代之是研究 ..gphone, Android and porting to Arm and verification.
2.影像如果未做前置處理, 而要後處理的話幾乎是無解. 老師給的建議還是朝向前處理.
前提:兩個Encoder( EnA , EnB ) , 以每秒 30張, CIF, 同時對一個Video Record.錄個幾秒, 然後作Decode把每一張都變成YUV or RGB.
- 把 EnA 第10張 跟 EnB第10張做比較 (結果應該是要一樣)
- 把 EnA 第10張 跟 EnB第11張做比較 (結果應該是要不一樣)
- TW WiMax 即將要開發了, 有可能起來, 也有可能受到 ISP擠壓.
- Gphone 起來, 不過針對每種Hardware的調校也是個挑戰, 加上Micro xxx 這面牆. Windows 上的資料要跟Handset上資料能做同步關系, 要看看 Android能提供出甚麼了, Office 系列就不用說了是基本的, 至少要有類似 Outlook 功能的同步.
這兩件事看起來完全是無關的事, 但我覺的有很大的關係, 如果說WiMax真讓台灣做起來了, 費用能推的出去, 這就是大事了. 以前HSDPA出來之前, 台灣並沒有高速的無線網路, WIFI就不用說了, 走個幾步路就要換台了, 那不算是能移動的無線網路, 而開放的手持式裝置 + 高速無線網路....目前尚無Killer application. 就要看這兩個規格能不能衝出封鎖線了.
Lab1 Basic Code Development
Date: 2008/03/20 (Tuesday)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: Lab1 Basic Code Development
當天戰鬥力: 80%
吸收度: 70%
今天課講的少, 但一上課就一個精彩的, Stenly被叫上去講課, 根據上星期所研究的SWI address從LR register 取出後作 24bit mask , 整個ADS code 流程做講解, stenly 提供了一份報告. 被老師引用進課程, 幹的不錯, 唯一的缺點, 用Open office , 格式爛掉..... ARM_SWI分析..至於檔案嘛, 自己去跟stenly要.
今天講解 Lab1 , CodeWarrior 的使用, 助教示範了一下, 還示範了command line的使用....用過了GUI誰還用command line -.-. 用cmd line debug , 跟用 gdb一樣....光debug就暈倒了..
ADS下的參數跟gcc類似, 只是名稱不同.
ADS Problem: default-1-2-0-0.ses FIX:
- Options->configure interface-> ATTACH;configure target-> ARMUL
- Project/Remove Object Code; recompile.
P1-26:ARMASM doesn't include ARM-to-Thumb header automaticaly as ARMCC does. You must manually change the state to thumb at initial.
Interface with methods
Date: 2008/03/19 (Wen)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: Interface with methods
當天戰鬥力: 80%
吸收度: 60%
Part I: Interface methods( Task/function ) (wrapper ).
- Modports:
- import / export ( import: Interface本身提供Function. export:由外部提供), 想當然爾, export不可合成. import 有條件(如果未用及本身未提供的東西即可).
Ref: System Verilog For Design Page 308.
PartII: Operators
The same as C Language. If got race condition , it synthable but flipflop.
for example: a = a + 1 become a<=a+1;
PartIII: Flow control Instructions:
- fork join( join_any, join_wait, join_all ), disable fork
- for
- while
- case
if control veriable( counter ) not static , it's not synthable!
for example: do{ .... } while( counter <>
remember full case in case block!!
VMM - MIPS lite verification.
星期一, 3月 17, 2008
一個爸爸像是萬能的機器人, 必須要扛下所有的事, 像是
- 為了爭一口飯吃每個月要有買菜錢.
- 為了能有個家, 要買房子付貸款.
- 為了保障自己掛了家庭不致於亂了步調, 要有五百萬的保障.
- 為了要能看第四臺, 洗熱水澡, 要繳水、電、瓦斯費.
- 為了能上網打電動, 要繳ADSL上網費..... 我看這是唯一的娛樂了 -.-.
Date: 2008/03/17 (Monday)
HomePage: 神秘之旅
Professor : 陽騰資訊(股) 總經理 邱仁亮(1987年中原資工畢業)
Course Description: 資訊工程師未來面臨的挑戰
連續兩週的老闆級講員來, 感覺浪廢了兩個晚上, 並沒有聽到甚麼收穫, 基本上他們講的內容, 104的文章一堆, 不用花2個小時聽, 10分鐘就看完了.
越來越有懷念AI老師的感覺.... 人是很奇怪的動物, 某些事情根據分析後會產生一些合理的步驟, 但人也許不會按步就班, 更甚者反其道而行 @@, AI上的好像不是AI ....像是在找人的漏洞.
Components of Business Models
Date: 2008/03/15 (Sat)
HomePage: Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems
Professor : Professor Yao-Jen Chang, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Taiwan
Course Description:Components of Business Models
當天戰鬥力: 70%
吸收度: 70%
In this week we study about some tools of igoogle, and talking about Components of Business Models .
Session 1:
- igoogle introduce ( Reader、Picture..etc ).
- Profit Model (How to make money).
- Customer Value.
Session 2:
- Customer Value.
- Bussiness stratagies.
In always, the success busseness go through the 4 stage. (Attract, Interact, Act, React)
Even the shops on the Internet, is also required after these four steps, but a number of steps to streamline.計算機組織與硬體概論
Date: 2008/03/14 (Friday)
HomePage: EITC of CYCU
Professor : 朱守禮
Course Description: 計算機組織與硬體概論
當天戰鬥力: 0%
吸收度: 0%
今天翹課, 老師說我可以翹課不用聽了. 上學期上過他的計組, 能過的就不用去聽了.
不過還是要留在公司補班 -.-.
ARM Thumb Instruction set/format
Date: 2008/03/13 (Tuesday)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: ARM Thumb Instruction set/format.
當天戰鬥力: 80%
吸收度: 70%
講解Thumb 指令類別, 及該模式下, 如何以16bit 來操做 32bit 的位置.
- BL 如何達成 22bit address.
- SWI Arg 有何意義.
- BL 經Stenly 查尋 ADS sample code , BL利用compiler 實作兩次, 以HI, Low bit 控制該次填入Address.
- SWI Arg目前推估是用於Software Interrupt 對映, 而非單純的註解, 不然對於Software Interrupt 只能一種無法合理解釋.
- Thumb2 performance 表示 performance 跟ARM 一樣, Size 跟Thumb一樣.(Page 95).
- 下次講 ARM/Thumb interworking(重要) w/ 3 Stage Pipeline.
星期四, 3月 13, 2008
System Verilog Instruction introduce.
Class: SystemVerilog_Verifily
Date: 2008/03/12 (Wen)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: System Verilog Instruction introduce.
當天戰鬥力: 80%
吸收度: 20%
今天上有關 system verilog instruction, operat, 跟C沒甚麼兩樣, 有在寫應該就都懂.
- System Verilog - for verification.
- System C = for Modeling.
- Verilog = for design.
還有提到一些 "Bluespec" <-- 應該是這樣念, 目前沒學到.
其中 struct , union 常用於Interface (使用Packet type).
packet type : reg, bit, byte 這類.
unpacket type : int , integer 這類.
PS1:老師說Subby 適合跑 verification, 我適合寫Modeling.
星期六, 3月 08, 2008
Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems
Date: 2008/03/08 (Sat)
HomePage: Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems
Professor : Professor Yao-Jen Chang, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Taiwan
Course Description: what is the commerce value chain
當天戰鬥力: 70%
吸收度: 70%
English as medium of instruction. anyone can get into this class, and each person's harvest are different.
It is difficult to say that the peculiar!!
session 1:
- Is the Internet different from other media?
- what is the commerce value chain
- What you will do , if someone post opposing views?
- Using Nicky_Lin's homework.
- Our homework.
session 2: The Lectures introduce.
session 3:
- what is -1 +1 > 0 ?
For Example:
I assume that bought a PDA or notebook, one day it broken, I had a bad impression(-1) When I taken repairs, it repaired 30 minutes(+1), he not only let me change also made a good impression on me(++).
ARM Instruction Sets and Processor Architecture
Date: 2008/03/06 (Tuesday)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu) slchu@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: ARM Instruction Sets and Processor Architecture.
當天戰鬥力: 90%
吸收度: 80%
1.The Register Banking ! Important !
- There are 7 mode in ARM.
- Data Processing Instruction
- 37 register( CPSR、5SPSR、31GPS ) and PC.
2.CPSR status(NZCVQ ________IFT+MODE).
3.It's different of MIPS and ARM.
- Condition code of every command. ( compiler will get best solution not only branches but all ARM instructions).
- I have try to compile some ARM code by gcc 3.4 of xscal(arm9) , but i didn't see any like "ADDEQ" command.
- Try the command :>armeb-linux-gcc -S t.c -o t.s
for example:
int main(){
int i = 0;
i= ( i ) ? 0 : i * 5;
SOC System Design and Application Profile
Date: 2008/03/07 (Friday)
HomePage: EITC of CYCU
Professor : 蔡 育 秀 (Yuh-Show Tsai) yuhshow@cycu.edu.tw
Course Description: SOC System Design and Application Profile
當天戰鬥力: 70%
吸收度: 10%
介紹一些 Soc device,不過儘止於大略介紹,非本科系入門同學可以參考。
沒有對醫用Sensor 做研究,血壓、體溫、心跳這類東西出現N年了,目前看到的還是這些東西。
撇開高價的醫療器材不談,一般User 買的起的醫療用品,水銀溫度計變成數位溫度計,水銀血壓計變成數位,這些東西對User來說有差嗎??血糖計勉勉強強還說的過去,算是近年來開始普及大眾的東西。學習目標
What are the commercial values of Internet
1. Track your comments at a focal point
A: already done.
2. Using personal portal.
A:already done.
3. Make your blog organized by adding labels
A:already done.
4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
Q:already done.
What are the commercial values of Internet?
List some business strategies for online commerce.
A:Reading....Comming soon!
星期一, 3月 03, 2008
Hello_World Sample
// File : hello_world.c
// Date: 2008/3/3
// Auth: Jack.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("This is Hello world sample......!n");
what is the commerce value chain
Homework 3-01-2008
Q1. According to the book by Treese and Stewart, what is the commerce value chain? Why not see them on an individual basis?

A1: The components of general commerce value chain are as follows
- Attract customers: Marketing - get and keep customer interest.
- Interact with customers: Sales - turn interest into orders( generally content ).
- Act on customer instructions: Order management - order capture, payment, fullfillment.
- React to customer requests: Customer service, technical support.
But I don't think so , Although most individuals are unable to load, but many in Yahoo, ebay auction of the individual, Also to the above-mentioned four parts in the Internet.
For example:小婷電腦,she has four parts similar to the above, Weekly email latest weekly goods, orders to meet customer needs.
Q2. Is the Internet different from other media? Why?
- Time: No time difference restrictions on the Internet 24 hours of service.
- Space: No geographical restrictions, even thousands of kilometres apart, can be a very short time to spread the message throughout.
- Free: All information not spend a dime of money readily available.
- Exchange: All information can be exchange more transparent.
For Example:
- More and more people, do not read the newspaper in Taiwan, They don't have so much time to read itand they read the news in the Internet like Yahoo, Msn News. The higher cost of human society, newspapers from the Internet was replaced by the more serious cases.
- Many people looking for job not looking at newspaper, but to http://www.104.com.tw/.
Q3.Convert one of your Word document using Google docs.
- This is the HELLO_WORLD sample at Google docs.
- You can view the Hellow_world.c here in my blog.If you do any change in hello_world.c , just press Publish->Republish post then you will see the new Hellow_world.c in blog.
Q4. Customize your blogs.
A4:I already done it before!