Date: 2008/03/19 (Wen)
HomePage: My BB
Professor : 朱守禮 (Slo-Li Chu)
Course Description: Interface with methods
當天戰鬥力: 80%
吸收度: 60%
Part I: Interface methods( Task/function ) (wrapper ).
- Modports:
- import / export ( import: Interface本身提供Function. export:由外部提供), 想當然爾, export不可合成. import 有條件(如果未用及本身未提供的東西即可).
Ref: System Verilog For Design Page 308.
PartII: Operators
The same as C Language. If got race condition , it synthable but flipflop.
for example: a = a + 1 become a<=a+1;
PartIII: Flow control Instructions:
- fork join( join_any, join_wait, join_all ), disable fork
- for
- while
- case
if control veriable( counter ) not static , it's not synthable!
for example: do{ .... } while( counter <>
remember full case in case block!!
VMM - MIPS lite verification.